Noise verification

Given a tested image JJ and a verification key K=(ki)1inK = \left(k_i\right)_{1 \leq i \leq n}, the goal of noise verification is to recover and check the trails of noises in JJ at all regions kik_i. For each kik_i, we pick an atomic enveloping region viv_i determined by:

vi(xiulδix,yiulδiy,xilr+δix,yilr+δiy)v_i \triangleq \left(x^{\mathtt{ul}}_i - \delta^{x}_{i}, y^{\mathtt{ul}}_{i} - \delta^{y}_i ,x^{\mathtt{lr}}_i + \delta^{x}_{i}, y^{\mathtt{lr}}_{i} + \delta^{y}_{i}\right)

where δix\delta^{x}_{i} and δiy\delta^{y}_{i} are the width and the height of kik_i:

δix=xilrxiul+1δiy=yilryiul+1\delta^{x}_{i} = x^{\mathtt{lr}}_i - x^{\mathtt{ul}}_i + 1 \qquad \delta^{y}_{i} = y^{\mathtt{lr}}_i - y^{\mathtt{ul}}_i + 1

Since any enveloping region is so small that spectral analysis cannot give reliable results, hence to filter the distortions of noises (i.e. the trails of high energy) we compare gradients of the region and the contained distortion region; one way to do that is using the Laplacian filter. Let abla2abla^2 denote the Laplacian operator, calculate the mean of each enveloping region viv_i:

vi=1vi(x,y)vi(2vi)(x,y)\overline{v}_i = \frac{1}{\lvert v_i \rvert} \sum\limits_{\left(x,y\right) \in v_i} \left( \nabla^2 v_i \right) \left(x,y\right)

and the mean of corresponding distortion region:

ki=1ki(x,y)ki(2vi)(x,y)\overline{k}_i = \frac{1}{\lvert k_i \rvert} \sum\limits_{\left(x,y\right) \in k_i} \left( \nabla^2 v_i \right) \left(x,y\right)

where vi\lvert v_i \rvert and ki\lvert k_i \rvert are respectively the area of viv_i and of kik_i. Then compare the deviation (c.f.~\cref{equ:noise_recovery,equ:noise_difference}):

eivikie_i \triangleq \lvert \overline{v}_i - \overline{k}_i \rvert

with some energy threshold. Using the noise tuning, we experimentally accept the existence of the atomic watermarked wiw_i when ei5e_i \geq 5.

If there is a distortion region where the deviation eie_i is lower than the threshold then the image JJ is immediately rejected, otherwise JJ is accepted.

Remark. From the construction of enveloping regions from distortion regions, the areas can be simply calculated by ki=δix×δix\lvert k_i \rvert = \delta^{x}_{i} \times \delta^{x}_{i} and vi=9×ki\lvert v_i \rvert = 9 \times \lvert k_i \rvert.

Figure 6:

The figure on the left shows an enveloping region of size 9×99 \times 9, its distortion region is of size 3×33 \times 3 located at the center, numbers at each pixel are the RGB color values. The right one shows the enveloping region after applying the Laplacian convolution.

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